
1'89 Modern cattle productionUniversity AuditoriumDGAS.1 636.2  
221世紀ソ畜產經營シ食肉產業株式'X社レみюユ⑦③⑦ 編;扳術.情報Й⑦У出版部;株式'X社レみюレ⑦③⑦AS 636  
3A dictionary of dairyingJ.G. DavisInterscience publishers,inc.AS 637  
4A guide to sexing chicksby Chales S. GibbsOrange Judd Publishing Co.AS.2 636.5  
5A guide to the nutritional management of breeding sows and pigletsH. ZintzenRocheAS 636.0881  
6Agricultural products and markets:forecasts of the dairy and beef situatioOECDOECDAS.1 637  
7An economic analysis of the factors affecting the California dairy industryby R.A. MilliganUniversity of CaliforniaAS.1 637  
8An international feed nomenclature and methods for summarizing and using feed data to calculate dietsLorin E. Harris;J.Malcolm Asplund;AESAS.3 636.085  
9Anatomy of the chicken and domestic birdsTankred Koch;illus. by Erwin Rossa;ed. and trans. by Bernard H. Skold, Louis DeVries;[Di-chiu]AS.2 636.50891  
10Animal breedingLaurence M. WintersWileyAS.1 636  
11Animal breedingby A.L. Hagedoorn;with a foreword by John Hammond;Crosby Lockwood & SonAS.1 636  
12Animal breedingLaurence M. WintersWileyAS.1 636.082  
13Animal breeding plansby Jay L. LushIowa State College PressAS.1 636  
14Animal castration:a textbook for the use of teachers, students and practitionersby G.R. WhiteThe AuthorAS.1 636.082  
15Animal feed impact on food safety:report of the FAO/WHO expert meeting, Rome, 8-12 October 2007United Nations. Food and Agriculture OrganizationFAOAS.3 636.0855978-92-5-105902-9 
16Animal feed resources in Asia and the PacificAsian Productivity OrganizationAPOAS.3 636.085592-833-2087-5 
17Animal feeds and pet foods:recent developmentsCharles S. SodanoNoyes Data CorporationAS.3 636.08550-8155-0737-2 
18Animal health yearbook annuaire dl la sante' animals anuario dl sanidad animalFAO;WHO;OIE;FAOAS 636  
19Animal nutritionLeonard A. MaynardMcGraw-HillAS.1 636.085  
20Animal nutritionby E.J. SheehyMacmillanAS.1 636.085  
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