
1"南方草木狀"國際學術討論會論文集華南農業大學農業歷史遺產研究室編農業出版社BS.2 5817-109-00181-4 
22008臺灣物種多樣性I.研究現況邵廣昭;彭鏡毅;吳文哲;行政院農委會林務局BS 360.15207978-986-01-7389-5 
32008臺灣物種多樣性物種名錄Ⅱ邵廣昭;彭鏡毅;吳文哲;行政院農委會林務局BS 360.15207978-986-01-7390-1 
42011年的臺灣林俊全主編臺大地理系臺灣地形研究室BS.6 733.3978-986-03-5983-1 
52020臺灣國家鳥類報告=The state of Taiwan's birds 2020林大利;呂翊維總編輯;農委會特有生物研究保育中心、社團法人中華民國野鳥學會BS.1 388.833978-986-85-4259-4 
6921地震對生態影響與回復研討會論文集陳添水主編;陳宏宇等撰文;行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心BS.7 367.7107978-986-01-9840-9 
7921重建區昆蟲資源開發與生態產業吳怡欣等撰文.攝影九二一災後重建委員會?BS.1 387.71232957-01-5858-1 
8A Dictionary of ecology, evolution and systematicsR.J. Lincoln, G.A. Boxshall, P.F. ClarkCambridge Univ. PressBS.7 574.5030-521-26902-4 
9A Selection of plants from Iriomote Island, JapanPeng, Ching-I...[et.al]ESRIBS.2 581.952978-986-00-8860-1 
10A bibliography of the giant clams (Bivalvia: Tridacnidae)J.L. Munro, W.J. NashICLARMBS 564971-1022-22-2 
11A bibliography of the research in tissue culture 1884 to 1950:an index to the literature of the livingprepared by Margaret R. Murray, Gertrude kopechAcademic PressBS.4 574.8  
12A dictionary of antibiosisLeonard karelElizabeth spencer roachBS 615  
13A dictionary of biological termsJ.H. KennethOliver and boyd ltd.BS.3 574  
14A dictionary of ecology evolution and systematicsR.J. Lincoln, G.A. Boxshall, P.F. ClarkCambridge Univ. PressBS.7 574.5030-521-26902-4 
15A dictionary of scientific bird namesJobling James A.OXFORDBS.1 598.20-19-854634-3 
16A dictionary of scientific termsI.F. Henderson, W.D. Henderson, 5th ed. by J.H. Kenneth BS 503  
17A field guide to the birds:giving field marks of all species foundR.T. PetersonHoughton MifflinBS.1 598.2  
18A field guide to the birds of AustraliaGraham PizzeyCollinsBS.1 598.29940-00-217282-8 
19A field guide to the birds of JapanJoseph A. Massey...[et al.]Wild Bird Society of JapanBS.1 598.29520-87011-746-7 
20A field guide to the birds of South-East Asia:covering Burina, Malaya, Thailand, CamboB.F. KingCollinsBS.1 598.29590-00-219206-3 
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