
12011年的臺灣林俊全主編臺大地理系臺灣地形研究室BS.6 733.3978-986-03-5983-1 
2A primer on water:questions and answersCCPDCCPDBS.6 553.709710-662-95846-2 
3Accuracy of discharge determinationsby W.T. DickinsonColorado State Univ.BS.6 551.49  
4Advances in hydroscienceed. by Ven Te ChowAcademic PressBS.6 551.49  
5Agricultural response to hydrologic droughtby V.J. BidwellColorado State Univ.BS.6 551.49  
6An objective approach to definitions and investigations of continental hydrologic droughtsby Vujica YevjevichColorado State Univ.BS.6 551.49  
7Analysis of drought characteristics by the theory of runsPedro Guerrero-Salazar, V. YevjevichColorado State Univ.BS.6 551.49  
8Application of mathematical models in hydrology and water resources systems:symposiumInternational Association of Hydrological SciencesIAHSBS.6 551.48  
9Applied hydrologyRay K. Linsley, Max A. Kohler, Joseph L.H. PaulhusMcGraw-HillBS.6 551.49  
10Applied modeling of hydrologic time seriesJ.D.SalasWater resources publicationsBS.6 551.480-918334-37-3 
11Artificial ground water rechargeby E.F. SchulzChinese Institution of EngineersBS.6 551.49  
12Artificial reefs:marine and freshwater applicationsFrank M. D'ItriLewisBS.6 551.4240-87371-010-X 
13Carbonate sediments and their diagenesisby Robin G.C. RathurstElsevier Scientific Publishing CompanyBS.6 551.303  
14Catchment experimentes in fluvial geomorphologyT.P. BurtGeoBS.6 551.4830 86094 137 x 
15Clay mineralogyRalph E. GrimMcGraw-HillBS.6 552.5  
16Coastal and submarine morphologyAndre Guilcher;translated by B.W. Sparks;MethuenBS.6 551.35  
17Computation of dissolved gas concentrations in water as functions of temperature, salinity, and pressureJohn ColtAmerican Fisheries SocietyBS.6 551.480-913235-02-4 
18Computer methods in urban hydrology:rational methods and unit hydrograph metTheodore V. Hromadka IILigthouseBS.6 551.4802850-914055-00-3 
19Decisions with inadequate hydrologic dataed. by David A. WoolhiserWater ResourcesBS.6 551.48  
20Decisions with inadequate hydrologic dataed. by David A. WoolhiserWater ResourcesBS.6 551.49  
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