
110年育成風華再現:創新育成中心十週年風采錄農委會農試所BT.1 430.33978-986-54-4946-9 
2Bioconomy 2020 : 因應生物經濟時代之科技前瞻與產業趨勢孫智麗 BT.1 469.507978-957-79-3086-6 
3Biotech '84:Europe, USAOnline Conf. LtdOCBT 660.6  
4Biotechnology:theory and applications 1993edited by W. Tien...[et al.]DCVBT 620.8  
5Biotechnology:economic and wider impactsOECDOECDBT 620.892-64-13196-5 
6Biotechnology:enhancing research on tropical crops inAfricaG. Thottappilly...[et al.];by J.U. Crockett;CTABT.1 620.8978-131-090-1 
7Biotechnology (2020):from the transparent cell to the custom-designed processKreysa, Gerhard...[et al.]ECBT 620.892-79-00418-2 
8Biotechnology and crop improvement in Asiaedited by J.P. MossICRISATBT.1 620.892-9066-198-4 
9Biotechnology applications in agriculture in Asia and the PacificAsian Productivity OrganizationAPOBT.1 620.892-833-2152-9 
10Biotechnology in agriculture in AsiaAsian Productivity OrganizationAsian Productivity OrganizationBT.1 620.892-833-2240-1 
11Biotechnology in plant science relevance to agriculture in the eightiesed. by M. Zaitlin...[et al.]Academic PressBT.1 6310-12-775310-9 
12Biotechnology principles and applicationsed. byL.J. HigginsBlackwellBT 620.8  
13Biotechnology, agriculture and foodOECDOECDBT.1 620.892-64-13725-4 
14EC biotechnology directivesECAGROWBT 620.8  
15Federal register. Pt.2, Office of science and technology policyGPOGPOBT 348.7324  
16Glossary of biotechnology termsNill, Kimball R.Technomic Pub. Co.BT 620.8031-56676-580-3 
17Industrial microbiologyS.C. Prescott, C.G. DunnMcGraw-HillBT 660.6  
18International computer-based conference on biotechnology:a case Study[edited by] D.A. BalsonIDRCBT 620.80-88936-445-1 
19International symposium on agricultural biotechnologyTaiwan Foundation for the Development of Biomedical TechnologyTFDBTBT.1 620.8  
20JBA年鑑(1990)дユレユ⑦ФЗЬэ一協會編編著BT 620.8  
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