
1Acid earth:the global threat of acid pollutionJohn McCormickEarthscanEP.1 363.73861-85383-033-x 
2Adaptive environmental assessment and managementJohn WileyEP.1 333.7  
3Agricultural practices and water qualityed. by T.L. Willrich, G.E. SmithThe Iowa State University PressEP.1 6280-8138-1745-5 
4Agricultural research:impact on environmentThomas R. HargroveIowa State Univ.EP.1 591.5  
5An annotated reader in environmental planning and managemented. by Timothy O'Riordan, R. Kerry TurnerPergamon PressEP.1 333.720-08-024668-0 
6Analyzing the hazard evaluation processed. by Kenneth L. Dickson, Alan W. Maki, John CairnsWater Quality Section. American FisherieEP.1 574.92  
7Assessment of benefits of environmental measuresKuik, O. J.;Oosterhuis, F.H.;Jansen, H.M.;Graham & TrotmanEP.1 338.43363731-85333-638-6 
8Assessment of research on natural hazardsGilbert F. White;J. Eugene Haas;MITEP.1 363.340-262-08083-4 
9Biological environmental impact studies:theory and methodsWard, Diana ValielaAcademic PressEP.1 574.50280-12-735350-X 
10Challenge of the human environmentKnapp, B.J.LongmanEP.1 304.20-582-016371 
11Chemical cycles and the global environment:assessing human influencesR.M. Garrels, F.T. Mackenzie, C. HuntWilliam KaufmannEP.1 614.70-913232-29-7 
12Clay's handbook of environmental healthW.H. BassettChapman & HallEP.1 363.70-412-54870-4 
13Cleaning our-environment:the chemical basis for actionAmerican Chemical SocietyAmerican Chemical SocietyEP.1 628  
14Dictionary of the environmental sciencesRobert W. DurrenbergerNational press booksEP.1 304.20-87484-150-X 
15Economic incentives and environmental policies:principles and practiceH. Opschoor, K. TurnerKluwerEP.1 363.70-7923-2601-6 
16Economic policy for the environment and natural resources:techniques for the management and controedited by Anastasios XepapadeasEEEP.1 363.7361-85898-413-0 
17Economic values and the environmental in the developing worldStavros Georgiou...[et al.]Edward Elgar Publishing LimitedEP.1 333.70917241-85898-500-5 
18Energy, environment and the economy:Asian perspectivesed. by Paul R. Kleindorfer, Howard C. Kunreuther, David S. HongEdward Elgar Publishing LimitedEP.1 333.790951-85898-391-6 
19Environ/Mental:essays on the planet as a homeed. by P. Shepard, D. MckinleyHoughton MifflinEP.1 591.50-395-11246-X 
20Environment and Americans:the problem of prioritiesed. by Roderick NashHolt, Rinehart and WinstonEP.1 574.5  
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