
11968 agricultural progress through institutional development:The official proceedings of the sixth Far East workshop on agricultural credit and...FEWACCFEWACCFN.1 332.31  
2A handbook of mutual insurance systems for commercial fishing vessels and gearChris A. TheodoreFAOFN.2 368  
3A manual on crop insurance for developing countriesP.K. RayFAOFN.2 368.122  
4A model for estimating the effects of credit pricing on farm level employment and income distributionWorld BankFN.2 332.71  
5A practical guide to multi-risk crop insurance for developing countriesP.K. RayOxford & IBHFN.2 368.0881-204-0604-4 
6Agribusiness financeDevino, Gary T.IPPFN.1 332.710-8134-2191-8 
7Agricultural credit:sector policy papered. by World BankWorld BankFN.2 332.71  
8Agricultural credit in Asia and the PacificAsian Productivity OrganizationAPOFN.1 332.7192-833-2280-0 
9Agricultural credit in economically underdeveloped countriesBelshaw, HoraceFAOFN.1 332.71  
10Agricultural credit program and operation in TaiwanChinese-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction(JCRR)(JCRRFN.1 332.31  
11Agricultural finance:An introduction to micro and macro conceptsPenson, John B.;Lins, David A.;Prentice-HallFN.1 332.710-13-018903-0 
12Agricultural financeMurray, William G.;Nelson, Aaron G.;編著 許清梯;The Iowa state university pressFN.1 332.71  
13Agricultural financeLee, Warren F.;Boehlje, Michael D.;Nelson, Aaron G.;Iowa State Univ. PressFN.1 332.7109730-8138-0051-X 
14Agricultural insurance:Principles and organization and application to developing countriesP.K. RayPergamonFN.2 368  
15Agricultural public finance policy in AsiaAsian Productivity OrganizationAPOFN.1 332.7192-833-2228-X 
16All-India rural credit survey:Report of the committee of direction; Volume 1 the survey reportResearch Bank of IndiaResearch Bank of IndiaFN.1 332.31  
17Building an agricultural financial system in a developing country:The Taiwan experienceLiu Fu-ShanMaw ChangFN.1 332.71957-8981-17-1 
18Capital account liberalization and financial sector stabilityA Staff team led by Shogo Ishii and Karl HabermeierIMFFN.1 657.761-58906-085-7 
19Capital and credit needs in a changing agricultureBaum, E. L.;Diesslin, Howard G.;Heady, Earl O.;Iowa State Univ. PressFN.1 332.71  
20China:progress and reform challengesOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOECDFN.1 332.673292-64-10195-0 
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