
1A handbook of mutual insurance systems for commercial fishing vessels and gearChris A. TheodoreFAOFN.2 368  
2A manual on crop insurance for developing countriesP.K. RayFAOFN.2 368.122  
3A model for estimating the effects of credit pricing on farm level employment and income distributionWorld BankFN.2 332.71  
4A practical guide to multi-risk crop insurance for developing countriesP.K. RayOxford & IBHFN.2 368.0881-204-0604-4 
5Agricultural credit:sector policy papered. by World BankWorld BankFN.2 332.71  
6Agricultural insurance:Principles and organization and application to developing countriesP.K. RayPergamonFN.2 368  
7Costs and returns on commercial farms:long-term study, 1930-57Wylie D. Goodsell, Isabel JenkinsUSDAFN.2 332.71  
8Credit management handbookprepared and ed. by the Credit Research FoundationRichard D. IrwinFN.2 658.88  
9Crop insurance in AsiaRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAPA);Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO);Asian and Pacific Regional Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA);APRACAFN.2 368.122  
10Crop insurance manualFAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific;Asian and Pacific Regional Agricultural Credit Association;Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO);FAOFN.2 368.122  
11Development and operation of agricultural insurance schemes in AsiaAsian Productivity OrganizationAPOFN.2 36892-833-2227-4 
12Economics of agricultural crop insurance:theory and evidenceDarrell L. HuethKluwerFN.2 368.120-7923-9435-6 
13History of A.I.D. programs in agricultural credit, 1950-1972by E.B. RiceAIDFN.2 332.71  
14Philippines:appraisal of fourth rural credit projectWorld BankFN.2 332.71  
15Small farmer credit:informal creditCharles T. NisbetAIDFN.2 332.71  
16Small farmer credit:additionl papersMorris D. WhitakerAIDFN.2 332.71  
17Small farmer credit:country surveysAIDAIDFN.2 332.71  
18Small farmer credit:analytical papersAIDAIDFN.2 332.71  
19Small farmer credit:summary paperAIDAIDFN.2 332.71  
20Small farmer credit in Africaby the staff of BNDAAIDFN.2 332.71  
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