
1A working plan for the matang mangrove forest reserve perakby D.S.P. NoakesThe Government of the Federation of MalaFR.2 634.98  
2Adhesive technology and bonded tropical wood productsTaiwan Forestry Research InstituteFR.2 634.98  
3American forest operations and tropical timber productionThe Organisation for European Economic Co-operationOEECFR.2 634.9  
4Assessment of logging costs from forest inventories in the tropicsForest Resources Division, Forestry Industries Division, Forestry Depa;with the assistance of the Swedish International Development Authority;FAOFR.2 634.9292-5-100599-0 
5Assessment of logging costs from forest inventories in the tropicsForest Resources Division, Forest Industries Division, Forestry Depart;with the assistance of the Swedish International Development Authority;FAOFR.2 634.9292-5-100598-2 
6Bamboo=竹Robert Austin, Koichiro Ueda;photo. by Dana Levy;WeatherhillFR.2 746.410-8348-0048-9 
7CITES辨識圖鑑--熱帶木材=CITES identificaion guide--tropical woods依凡.拉夫爾(Yvan Lafleur)等著;王松永;羅盛峰譯;農委會林務局FR.2 370.24986-00-4200-4 
8Chemical:processing of woodby A.J. Stamm, E.E. HarrisChemical Publishing Co.FR.2 668.7  
9Commercial timber of the worldTitmuss, F.H.Technical PressFR.2 338.17  
10Decay of timber and its preventionby K.St.G. Cartwright, W.P.K. Findlay FR.2 691.1  
11European timber trends and prospectsFAO FR.2 338.17  
12Forest and forest industry development program in Taiwan, Republic of ChinaMinistry of Economic AffairsMinistry of Economic AffairsFR.2 634.98  
13Forest anf forest industry development, Taiwan, Republic of Chinaby H.C. Beresford-PeirseFFIDPFR.2 634.98  
14Forest products:their sources, production, and utilizatiby A.J. Panshin...[et al.]McGraw-HillFR.2 634.98  
15Forest productsby Nelson courtlandt brownJohn wiley & sons, inc.FR.2 634.98  
16Harvesting timber cropsby A.E. WackermanMcGraw-HillFR.2 634.98  
17Illustrations of economical timberTen-River PressTen-River PressFR.2 338.174  
18International symposium on environmentally friendly and emerging technologies for a sustainable pulp and paper industrySu, Yu-Chang;Wang, Eugene I.C.;Taiwan Forestry Research InstituteFR.2 676.1957-02-5896-9 
19Logging:the principles and methods of harvestingby N.C. BrownWileyFR.2 634.98  
20Lumber:manufacture, conditioning, grading, distby Nelson Courtlandt BrownWileyFR.2 674  
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