序 | 題名 | 作者 | 出版社 | 分類號 | ISBN | |
1 | A siting handbook for small wind energy conversion systems | H.L. Wegley...[et al.] | Windbooks | HE.1 621.45 | | |
2 | A survey of the possible use of windpower in Thailand and the Philippines | W.E. Heronemus | National Technical Information Service | HE.1 621.45 | | |
3 | American civil engineering practice | R.W. Abbett | Wiley | HE.1 620 | | |
4 | American civil engineers' handbook | ed. by T. Merriman, T.H. Wiggin | | HE.1 620 | | |
5 | Engineering in agriculture | P.H. Southwell | Temple Press | HE.1 620.1 | | |
6 | Food from windmills:a report on the wind mill irrigation pro | P.L. Fraenkel | Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd | HE.1 621.45 | | |
7 | New dictionary of civil engineering and architecture=英和獨佛 獨和英佛土木建築用語新辭典 | 建築資料研究會編 | 太陽堂 | HE.1 620.3 | | |
8 | Operations of small wind turbines on a distribution system | D. Curtice, J. Patton | Windbooks | HE.1 621.45 | | |
9 | Power form the wind | P.C. Putnam | D. Van Nostrand | HE.1 621.4 | | |
10 | Probability, statistics, and decision for civil engineers | Jack R. Benjamin | Mcgraw-Hill | HE.1 624 | | |
11 | Proceedings of the international conference on water resources development, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. May 12-14 1980 | IAHR | IAHR | HE.1 627.046 | | |
12 | Soil mechanics in engineering practice | K. Terzaghi, R.B. Peck | Wiley | HE.1 621 | | |
13 | Windpower:a handbook on wind energy conversion sys | V.D. Hunt | Van Nostrand Reinhold | HE.1 621.45 | 0-442-27389-4 | |
14 | 八十二年度農業工程研討會論文集 | 許銘熙;鄭克聲; | 農委會 | HE.1 627 | | |
15 | 土木工學大系23:ンみЗЗУЫ都市れプヂ農村計畫 | 伊藤滋等著;土木工學大系編集委員會編; | 彰國社 | HE.1 631.21 | | |
16 | 中日農業工程及農業用水多目標利用技術研討資料輯=Technical memoirs of Sino-Japanese symposium on agricultural engineering and multi-purpose utilizati | 行政院農業發展委員會(農發會);溫理仁;蔡明華;陳毓臺; | 編者 | HE.1 631.3 | | |
17 | 中國農業工程手冊: 農業水利之部---灌溉, 墾殖, 管理 | 中國農業工程學會編 | 編者 | HE.1 620 | | |
18 | 中華民國現代化農業工程建設=Modern development of agricultural engineering in the Republic of China | 行政院農業委員會(農委會)編 | 農委會 | HE.1 630.062 | | |
19 | 促進民間參與農業設施公共建設案件操作手冊 | 楊超惟;王思懿;黃俊雅主編; | 行政院農業委員會 | HE.1 432.5026 | 978-986-01-0773-9 | |
20 | 昭和57年度草地造成防災工法技術調查報告書 | 農用地開發公團編 | 編者 | HE.1 333.74 | | |