
1A siting handbook for small wind energy conversion systemsH.L. Wegley...[et al.]WindbooksHE.1 621.45  
2A survey of the possible use of windpower in Thailand and the PhilippinesW.E. HeronemusNational Technical Information ServiceHE.1 621.45  
3American civil engineering practiceR.W. AbbettWileyHE.1 620  
4American civil engineers' handbooked. by T. Merriman, T.H. Wiggin HE.1 620  
5Engineering in agricultureP.H. SouthwellTemple PressHE.1 620.1  
6Food from windmills:a report on the wind mill irrigation proP.L. FraenkelIntermediate Technology Publications LtdHE.1 621.45  
7New dictionary of civil engineering and architecture=英和獨佛 獨和英佛土木建築用語新辭典建築資料研究會編太陽堂HE.1 620.3  
8Operations of small wind turbines on a distribution systemD. Curtice, J. PattonWindbooksHE.1 621.45  
9Power form the windP.C. PutnamD. Van NostrandHE.1 621.4  
10Probability, statistics, and decision for civil engineersJack R. BenjaminMcgraw-HillHE.1 624  
11Proceedings of the international conference on water resources development, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. May 12-14 1980IAHRIAHRHE.1 627.046  
12Soil mechanics in engineering practiceK. Terzaghi, R.B. PeckWileyHE.1 621  
13Windpower:a handbook on wind energy conversion sysV.D. HuntVan Nostrand ReinholdHE.1 621.450-442-27389-4 
14八十二年度農業工程研討會論文集許銘熙;鄭克聲;農委會HE.1 627  
15土木工學大系23:ンみЗЗУЫ都市れプヂ農村計畫伊藤滋等著;土木工學大系編集委員會編;彰國社HE.1 631.21  
16中日農業工程及農業用水多目標利用技術研討資料輯=Technical memoirs of Sino-Japanese symposium on agricultural engineering and multi-purpose utilizati行政院農業發展委員會(農發會);溫理仁;蔡明華;陳毓臺;編者HE.1 631.3  
17中國農業工程手冊: 農業水利之部---灌溉, 墾殖, 管理中國農業工程學會編編者HE.1 620  
18中華民國現代化農業工程建設=Modern development of agricultural engineering in the Republic of China行政院農業委員會(農委會)編農委會HE.1 630.062  
19促進民間參與農業設施公共建設案件操作手冊楊超惟;王思懿;黃俊雅主編;行政院農業委員會HE.1 432.5026978-986-01-0773-9 
20昭和57年度草地造成防災工法技術調查報告書農用地開發公團編編者HE.1 333.74  
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