
1"灌溉排水工程及營運管理改進之試驗研究"暨"旱作灌溉試驗研究"歷年研究計畫成果彙編=A compilation on irrigation and drainage research行政院農業委員會(農委會)編編者HE.2 631.7957-00-2887-4 
2'85水資源便覽國土廳長官官房水資源部編山海堂HE.2 333.914-381-02014-6 
3'89水資源便覽水資源協會山海堂HE.2 333.914-381-02078-2 
462年版水田農業確立對策必攜水田農業確立研究會編集地球社HE.2 631.587  
5A report on the engineering and economic feasibility of a multipurpose projectTPWCBTPWCBHE.2 627.8  
6A report on water resources planning in TaiwanWater resources survey teamMinistry of Economic AffairsHE.2 333.91  
7A study of existing social conditions in the eight townships of the Shihmen reservoir area including a brief analysis of the impact of irrigby Jean T. Burke;APO;JCRRHE.2 631.7  
8Agricultural economic evaluation for Choshui river basin development projectS.C. Lee, C.Y. Lee, Y.J.YangThe Research Institute of Agricultural EHE.2 627.5  
9Agricultural practices and water qualityWillrich, Ted L.;Smith, G.E.;The Iowa State University PressHE.2 628.160-8138-1745-5 
10Agricultural water management technology in Asia and the PacificAPO;by J.D. Salas...[et al.];APOHE.2 631.792-833-2171-5 
11Ames irrigation handbooked. by Van B. Entriken;rev. by Jack Keller;complied by Allan W. McCulloch...[et al.];W.R. Ames Co.HE.2 631.7  
12Applied hydraulics in engineeringH.M. MorrisRonald PressHE.2 627  
13Automated farm surface irrigation systems worldwideAllan S. HumpherysICIDHE.2 627.5281-85068-13-5 
14Automation of irrigation and drainage systemsAmerican Society of Civil EngineersASCEHE.2 631.7  
15Canal construction-open channels construction-machinery and techniquesCommittee on Irrigation and Drainage Construction Techniques;ICID;ICIDHE.2 627.13  
16Canals and related structuresBureau of Reclamation. USDIEngineering and Research CenterHE.2 627  
17Centrifugal and axial flow pumps:theory, design, and applicationA.J. StepanoffWileyHE.2 621.2  
18Channelized rivers:perspectives for environmental managemenAndrew BrookesJohn Wiley & SonsHE.2 627.120-471-91979-9 
19Chemistry of water supply treatment and distributionA.J. RubinAnn Arbor Science PublishersHE.2 628.160-250-40036-7 
20CofferdamsL. White, E.A. Prentis HE.2 627  
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