
1A Market for U.S. products in Taiwan:a supplement to international commerceTrowbridge, Alexander B.;McQuade, Lawrence C.;USDCMP.1 338.1  
2A study on the export potentiality and elasticity of agricultural products in TaiwanChinese-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction(JCRR)JCRRMP.1 338.1  
3Advances in international marketinged. by S. Ttamer CavusgilJAIMP.1 658.831-55983-128-0 
4Agricultural futures & options:A guide to using North American and European marketsDuncan, R.WoodheadMP.1 380.1411-85573-075-8 
5Agricultural marketingA.L. LarsonPrentice-HallMP.1 631.18  
6Agricultural marketingF.L. ThomsenMcGraw-HillMP.1 631.18  
7Agricultural marketing boards their establishment and operationby J.C. Abbott, H.C. CreupelandtFAOMP.1 658.835  
8Agricultural marketing in Taiwan:A general descriptionChen, Hsing-yiuJCRRMP.1 380.141  
9Agricultural markets in the semi-arid tropicsICRISATMP.1 380.14192-9066-104-6 
10Agricultural trade and poverty:making policy analysis countOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOECDMP.1 380.14192-64-19733-8 
11Agricultural trade liberalization:Implications for developing countriesIan Goldin;Odin Knudsen;OECDMP.1 380.14192-64-13366-6 
12Agriculture, the environment and trade:Conflict or cooperation?Caroline T. WilliamsonIPCATMP.1 380.10-9636143-0-4 
13Agriculture, trade and the environment:the arable crop sectorOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOECDMP.1 380.141392-64-00996-5 
14Agriculture, trade and the environment:the pig sectorOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOECDMP.1 380.1416492-64-10416-X 
15Agriculture, trade and the environment:the dairy sectorOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOECDMP.1 380.141792-64-01588-4 
16Building an agricultural marketing system in a developing country: the Taiwan experienceLiu Fu-ShanNTIFOMP.1 380.141957-8981-16-3 
17China's foreign trade and comparative advantage:Prospects, problems, and policy implicationsAlexander J. YeatsWorld BankMP.1 380.109510-8213-1960-4 
18Coffee, tea, and cocoa:Market prospects and development lendingShamsher Singh;Joe de Vries;John C. L. Hulley;World BankMP.1 380.1410-8018-1869-9 
19Collection and analysis of market information for farm products in Asia:Report of a seminarAsian Productivity OrganizationAPOMP.1 380.14192-833-2071-9 
20Competitive marketing strategiesJ.W. TaylorMBRMP.1 658.830-86604-185-0 
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