
11998全國農業科技展專刊(1998)=Proceedings of 1998 agricultural science and technology exhibition行政院農業委員會(農委會)農委會RD 630957-02-3572-1 
2China and the west:information technology transfer from printing press to computer eraBillings, Bruce H.IntertechRD 600  
3International workshop on "The role of information technology in rural development"Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan;Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization;COARD 630  
4Report of the United Nations conference on science and technology for developmentUnited NationsUNRD 500  
5Science technology, and development:Natural resourcesGPORD 309.2  
6Science, technology, and development:AgricultureGPORD 309.2  
7Science, technology, and development:CommunicationsGPORD 309.2  
8Science, technology, and development:Industrial edvelopmentGPORD 309.2  
9Science, technology, and development:TransportationGPORD 309.2  
10Science, technology, and development:Health and nutritionGPORD 309.2  
11Science, technology, and development:Social problems of development and urbanizationGPORD 309.2  
12Science, technology, and development:Scientific and technological policy,planning,and organizationGPORD 309.2  
13Science, technology, and development:Natural resourcesGPORD 309.2  
14The Bilateral workshop on agricultural technology between Taiwan and CanadaChou, Chun;Hwang, Chin-Yin;COARD 630957-02-7381-X 
15United States of America international cooperation administration mutual security mission to China:narrative industrial program progress reportIndustrial Development DivisionIDDRD 600  
16七十八年度主要造林樹種之培育及森林保護之研究報告彙編臺灣省林業試驗所編編者RD13 634.956  
17八十八年下半年及八十九年度農業發展計畫執行成果摘要報告行政院農業委員會編農委會RD 430.3957-02-8694-6 
18三峽鎮有木里農場休閒農業區規劃中景景觀工程公司編農委會輔導處RD16 711.5584  
19土地改革後土地使用競爭之研究=Competing land use after land reform殷章甫政大地政研究所RD4 333.31  
20小型水利會會務電腦化之研究及建立=The study and set-up of computerized data processi曹以松,林俊男,朱振標農業工程研究中心RD13 631.70285  
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