
11998年中日奧土石流危險區劃定研習會論文集=AJT workshop on zoning of debris-flow flooding area陳禮仁,謝正倫編農委會SC.2 631.45957-02-1335-3 
21999年中日奧土石流災害防治研討會論文集=1999 AJT workshop on master plan for debris-flow disaster prevention works and mitigation陳禮仁;謝正倫;吳輝龍;農委會SC.2 631.45  
3921集集大地震坡地水土災害及復建紀實陳樹群總編輯農委會水保局SC.2 433.1957-02-7155-8 
4A dynamic analysis of economics of soil conservation:an application of optimal control theoryShashanka Bhide;C. Arden Pope III;Earl O. Heady;CARDSC.2 631.4  
5A manual on conservation of soil and water:handbook for professional agricultural wUSDAUSDASC.2 631.4  
6Abstracts of soil and water conservation research in TaiwanCouncil of Agriculture(COA)COASC.2 631.4  
7Agricultural soil and water conservation method example altas: program of blessedness for agricultural health of soil and water conservationLi Zhen-YangSWCBSC.2 434.2978-986-05-4399-5 
8Approved practices in soil conservationDuane A. Bosworth;Albert B. Foster;The InterstateSC.2 631.40-8134-2170-5 
9Approved practices in soil conservationAlbert B. FosterInterstateSC.2 631.450-8134-2170-5 
10Assessing soil degradationFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO)FAOSC.2 631.492-5-100410-2 
11Basic statistics of the national inventory of soil and water conservation needsUSDAUSDASC.2 631.4  
12Conservation of the soilA.F. GustafsonMcGraw-HillSC.2 631.4  
13Conservation policies for sustainable for......edited by Sitanala Arsyad ... [et al.]SWCSSC.2 333.76160-935734-28-7 
14Conserving soil:insights from socioeconomic researched. by S.B. LovejoySCSASC.2 333.76160-935734-12-0 
15Debris-flow hazards mitigation:Mechanics, prediction, and assessmentWieczorek, Gerald F.;Naeser, Mancy D.;A.A. BalkemaSC.2 631.4590-5809-149-X 
16Development of conservation farming on hillslopesW.C. Moldenhauer...[et al.]SACSSC.2 631.580-935734-24-4 
17Earth:the stuff of lifeby Firman E. BearUniv. of Oklahoma PressSC.2 631.40-8061-2002-9 
18Effects of tenure arrangements, capital constraints, and farm size on the economics of soil and water conservation practices in Iowaby Timm M. Banks...[et al.]CARDSC.2 631.4  
19Elements of soil conservationHugh Hammond BennettMcGraw-HillSC.2 631.45  
20English abstract/summary of research project reports (1990-1992) in soil conservation and watershed management=農委會支助水土保持及集水區經營研究計畫報告(79-81)英文摘要/提要彙編?edited by S.C. Hu, S.S. ChiangCOASC.2 631.4957-00-2131-4 
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