
1A manual of soil fungiby Joseph C. GilmanIowa State College PressSF.1 631.43  
2A student's book on soils and manuresby E.J. RussellCambridgeSF.1 631.4  
3Abstracts on soil conservation research in Taewan (V.1:1958-1976)Chinese-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction(JCRR)JCRRSF.1 631.4  
4An introduction to forest soils of the Douglas-Fir Region of the Pacific NorthwestForest Soils Committee of the Douglas-Fir RigionWestern Forestry and Conservation AssociSF.1 631.4  
5Analysis of soils and plants for foresters and horticulturists:diagnosis of soil productivity by fieldby S.A. Wilde, G.K. VoigtJ.W. EdwardsSF.1 631.41  
6Australian soil and land survey:field handbookR.C. McDonald ... [et al.]Inkata PressSF.1 631.47940-909605-32-7 
7Australian soil and land survey handbook:guidelines for conducting surveyR.H. GunnInkata PressSF.1 631.47940-909605-44-0 
8Characterization of soils in relation to their classification and management for crop production:examples from some areas of the humid tred. by D.J. GreenlandClarendon PressSF.1 631.42096690-19-854538-X 
9Chemistry of the soiled. by F.E. BearReinholdSF.1 631.41  
10Classification and management of rice growing soilsedited by Jan Bay-PetersenFFTCSF.1 631.4957-9539-00-6 
11Constituents and properties of soilsM. Bonneau, B. Souchier;trans. by V.C. Farmer;Academic PressSF.1 631.410-12-114550-6 
12Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soilsUnited States Salinity Laboratory Staff;ed. by L.A. Richards;USDASF.1 631.41  
13Diagnostic techniques for soils and crops:their value and use in estimating the feed. by Herminie Broedel Kitchen;prepared by Firman E. Bear...[et al.];The American Potash InstituteSF.1 631.4  
14Ecology and management of problem soils in asiaASPACASPACSF.1 631.46  
15Elements of tropical soil scienceby T. EdenMacmillanSF.1 631.4  
16Erosion and sediment yield:some methods of measurement and modellined. by R.F. Hadley, D.E. WallingGeo BooksSF.1 631.450-86094-141-8 
17Factors of soil formation:a system of quantitative pedologyby Hans JennyMcGraw-HillSF.1 631.4  
18Far East fertilizer workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, Oct. 24 to Nov. 5, 1960ed. by Oswald B. Anderson[s.n.]SF.1 631.4  
19Farm soils:their management and fertilizationEdmund L. WorthenWileySF.1 631.4  
20Forest soilsby H.J. Lutz, R.F. ChandlerWileySF.1 631.4  
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